In the middle of the week, Eun Soo had a strong urge to hit one of her favourite pubs.
Day by day, there was always a new criminal to be caught, or a case to be investigated. And while these people technically gave Eun Soo a job, she was frustrated by how the crime rate did not seem to decrease despite the Department of Law Enforcement's hard work. In fact, due to the virus scare going around the wizarding world, more unlisted potioneers, herbologists and 'healers' were taking advantage of the wizarding population's fear, selling them items which were only bound to mess with their health.
The worst part of her job, though, wasn't trying to capture those criminals. That bit, she enjoyed—investigations were often a great excuse to hit some pubs, and her job allowed her to meet a bunch of rather interesting people. What she hated the most was when she had to file reports, which required her to stay in the office for a long time and be basically useless to the crime-fighting world.
She knew the work wasn't necessarily useless. In fact, it was important work—documentation helped give them references for related crimes, and it also helped trials and hearings progress much faster. Still, it wasn't exactly the most inspiring job in the department, and it was only often given to the new, 'green' Aurors. As a relatively new Auror from South Korea, she was still seen by her colleagues as one of the 'green' ones, even if she probably did investigations better than all of them combined.
Sighing, she arranged the scrolls on her desk and was about to start a new report when she heard a knock on the door. That must be her new partner, assigned to her now that she had proven herself worthy of bigger tasks. 'Come in,' she called out to the person knocking.