Katherine was glad at the answer Jake had provided to her. She knew that every couple must talk it out before inviting a stranger and her child to come have a playdate with theirs so she understood that she shouldn't overstep no boundaries. She had a feeling that Jake and her would be great friends along with Katherine and his wife.. or fiancée. Kat loved making new friends so this was also benefiting her as well. "Awesome, just send me an owl or talk to me in Hogwarts. Either one is perfectly okay" Kat allowed.
When Jake said that to her, it made her heart beat faster. Hearing someone other then her family say that to her made her smile and no that she was definitely someone who would do anything for her family. "Thank you Jake, I tried so hard to do what was best and I'm glad that I did because I love Dean more then anything and even if his father isn't in his life its okay. I can handle being his mother all by myself. Yes I will feel bad that there will be times where he is going to need his father, but I think I can be a good substitute" Kat explained to Jake.
"To be honest, any order is great as long as there is a ring on that finger" Kat joked.